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(day 7)
(day 8)
Line 583: Line 583:
<q>Don’t move now… I think that snake wants your root beer!</q>
<q>Don’t move now… I think that snake wants your root beer!</q>
<td> [[image:peanutsmall.png | frame | float left| Peanut]]
<table style="border:1px solid black">
<td colspan="5"><div align="center"><b>Day Eight - August 3rd</b></div>
<td> [[image:Salliesmall.png | frame | float left| Sallie]]
<td> <div align="center">
<q>It's a relief that the storm died down! Flux is getting mighty close to finishing the train, so I'll have all kinds of new goods to sell soon! Sure, the Sheriff is still missing, but I'm ready for a celebration. How about you?</q>
<td colspan="4"> <div align="center">
<q>You walk into the Sheriff's Office to find the same Reckless Rider from a few days before manning the Sheriff's desk once more. “Don't think we didn't see y'all trying to snoop on our train yesterday,” they say. “Lucky for you, we're close to getting what we came here for. If you want to help, meet us over at the train after sunset.”</q>
<q>Looks like that sandstorm gave you a new ‘do!</q>
<td> [[image:banditsmall.png | frame | float left| Reckless Riders]]
<td> [[image:Majorsmall.png | frame | float left| Major]]
<td> <div align="center">
<q>Whew, I'm ready to sleep for a week after chasing mail through a storm! You wouldn't believe it, but Flux came by this morning and showed me some blueprints where he designed a mail-sorting machine. I guess being holed up for a day brings some people new ideas!</q>
<td colspan="4"> <div align="center">
<q>Doing something nice for Major? I don't know what you mean. Anyway, nothing has bothered my production since the storm ended, so we're on track for the big celebration in two days! I'm going to be so proud our town has a train.</q>
<td> [[image:fluxsmall.png | frame | float left| Flux]]
<td> [[image:anniesmall.png | frame | float left| Pistol Annie]]
<td> <div align="center">
<q>Told you that dust would clear up! Now Flux can get back to finishing our train and I can get a little break. Y'all drank so much root beer yesterday I was worried I was going to run out!</q>
<td colspan="4"> <div align="center">
<q>It looks like no one blew away, and if fact, the horse that went missing a few days a go was right back where she belonged! No idea what that was all about, but I'm glad to be running a full house again. We're preparing some ropin' and ridin' tricks for the celebration, if you want to get in on the fun!</q>
<td> [[image:honeybeesmall.png | frame | float left| Honey Bee]]
<td> [[image:bobbiejosmall.png | frame | float left| Bobbie Jo]]
<td> <div align="center">
<q>I could do without another one of those stroms anytime soon, but you can't put in requests for the weather out here in the west; it's always going to do what it wants to do. Don't tell anyone I said this, but I hope those Reckless Riders stay for the celebration. It would be the biggest crowd we've ever played for!</q>
<q>Well, I’ll never say no to a storm blowing in a new fan!</q>
<td colspan="4"> <div align="center">
<q>It was the darndest thing… some of those Reckless Riders came and helped me clean up after the storm! It would have taken a long time if I had to do it myself, and now I can get back into preparations for the celebration! I'm going to be preparing all the delicious food!</q>
<q>Can you help me collect some eggs?</q>
<td> [[image:heliasmall.png | frame | float left| Helia]]
<td> [[image:clemsmall.png | frame | float left| Clementine]]
<td> <div align="center">
<q>It's a new dawn, a new day, and I'm feeling good! Thankfully there wasn't too much set up to be blown away, and I have two whole days before the celebration.</q>
<q>I found some helpers out here when the storm was over. Can you offer them one of your root beers?</q>
<td colspan="4"> <div align="center">
<q>The little rat is carefully rearranging the sand of their home after the storm. You see their hat stuck at the top of the cactus and jump up to pull it back down for them. Everyone needs protection from the sun out here!</q>
<td> [[image:peanutsmall.png | frame | float left| Peanut]]
<td> [[image:peanutsmall.png | frame | float left| Peanut]]

Revision as of 03:04, 3 August 2024

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Pets.png + Items.png


2024 brought us out to the wild wild west!

Characters (NPCs)


Sallie ran the towns general store, helping users find all the items they needed, as well as giving out some pets!
Sallie is originally from May of 2024.
Keeping the town safe from any nerdowells, Earp was the towns sheriff
Earp's design is originally from January 2024.
Major ran the towns branch of the Pony Express, their mail system.
Major is actually an original pet made just for the event, courtesy of ~Trompy .
Flux is the friendly blacksmith
Just like Major, Flux is also an original pet, though this time created by MissionFlight.
Reckless Rider
A bandit who took over the Saloon and then the Sheriffs office
(bandit) is a pet originally from Christmas 2008.
Pistol Annie
The bartender who runs the Root Beer Saloon
Annies design is from April 2024.
Honey Bee
A ranch owner located on the outskirts of town
Honey Bee is a chicken from November 2017.
Bobbie Jo
A musician, part of the musicians co-op in the outskirts of town
Bobbie Jo is dog from August 2023.
A farmer with a love for plants, also in the outskirts of town
Helia is a Fennec Fox from August 2023.
A cute little rat that lives with the cacti
Peanut is a rat from Christmas 2016.
An adventurer out on the Plains
Clementine is from May 2024.

Character Dialogue

Sometimes referred to as "flavor text," the NPCs often had their dialogue switched out in order to tell the story. Each day new dialogue would be up, telling observant users about the changes happening in the Wild West.

Day One - July 27th

Well, now, there sure are a lot of you! Don't worry though, here at the general store we have all the supplies you could possibly need to giddy up or down. This town has been running on grit and determination for years, and this new rail line is only gonna make it smoother! I can't wait until we have all our supplies coming in on that shiny train!

Oops, it looks like we have some vermin trying to get into the flour. Can you do something about that?

You're already hard at work collecting that mail, I see! If you have any for me let me know.

Howdy, partners! Welcome to town. Here's where we lock up the ne'er-do-wells and miscreants. Y'all got nothing to worry about as long as you keep on the straight and narrow, though. In fact, the cells are empty and I plan to keep it that way!

No one's wanted in this town, and we printed too many posters. Why don’t you take them home as decorations?


Welcome to town! I'm happy you stopped in here to the hub of the Pony Express. Our ponies deliver mail all around the West and we offer the most impeccable service. You can trust us–well, usually at least. Unfortunately, our latest shipment of mail got caught up in a windstorm, and it's scattered all over town. Could you help us pick it up? There's plenty that belongs to those who live here, so they might even give you something if you drop it off. We have to prove that the train isn't needed for us to do our jobs, or they might run us out of business! Here's a fresh mount for you while you're out delivering mail! Come back tomorrow for another.

Thanks for stopping by! I'm the blacksmith, and I'm so excited you're here for the grand opening of our rail line. It's going to revolutionize travel as well as transport of goods, including mail! Can you imagine how much more a rail car can carry than a pony? It's going to be amazing. We just need to put the finishing touches on the train.

Day Two - July 28th

There's no reason to steal here, there's enough for everyone! And all the buildings are built… who would need more tools? Flux is a staple of the community; no one should be stealing from him, anyway. This just doesn't make sense! Flux did have some more tools coming in by wagon though. Hopefully they'll be here soon! You can never know with such things, which is why the train will be so helpful!

One of the best ways to express yourself is with some new duds! Put these on and you’ll be looking like a cowboy in no time.

Tools missing, you say? Well, someone better get on investigating that. Couldn't be me, though, I have a ton of work to do today. What it is isn't for you to know, though. Official business!


You're on my side, right? Sure, the train is going to throw a wrench in my works, but that doesn't mean I'm going after wrenches… or hammers… or whatever's missing! You see, I don't even know! This might be the Wild West but I'm doing my best to stay on the straight and narrow, run my business, and deliver the mail. Upstanding ponies only, unlike that Earp…

I'm still working hard, but I swear that Major is messing with me. You know he doesn't want the mail to get modernized, but this is low, to steal my tools! I'm sure it's him, because there's no one else who wants to see me fail. I'd call up old Earp, but, well, you've met him. No thief is allowed to tarnish his spotless cells.

This town ain’t big enough for the two of us–by which I mean me and these burrowing meddlers! Can you make sure there’s no more holes in the ground out front?

Day Three - July 29th

Can a few of you stay with me to keep watch? I don't want these Reckless Riders getting in here and robbing us! And don't let them know that Flux's shipment came in, or they'll definitely want that too. Tuck your valuables up under your hat!

You need Flux’s delivery? Well, it’s hard to trust around here, but you certainly don’t look like an outlaw.

Did the bandits lay their hands on you? If not, there's not much I can do. It's not a crime to come on into town, or I'd have had to lock y'all up when you first arrived! There's no proof they harmed Flux's train, since it wasn't up and running yet, anyway.

I did an investigation, and these horses aren't stolen, so they need a home.


Did you know it's a real crime to open someone else's mail? I don't think Earp does, but if it's not addressed to you, no touching! These Reckless Riders have no respect for the rules, so you're going to need to pick letters up quickly before they get to it! At least Flux has something else to set his sights on now, who's actually taking his things

You’re shaping up to be an excellent Pony Express carrier. Might as well put these on!

These outlaws rolled into town and they are stealing pieces I need to complete my train! I'm sure this time, it's not like yesterday when I had no proof. Can you please go check in with Sallie and get me my new shipment of parts? Hopefully there will be enough to complete things.

Ah, there are my parts! Thank you so much. Here, I’ve been working on some sculptures you might like.


As you approach the saloon a bandit with a bandana over their face steps out in front of the door and says, “This here watering hole is claimed on behalf of the Reckless Riders. Go on, git!”

Day Four - July 30th

Look what just came in! Those bandits must have rustled our supply lines for those bandanas they’re wearing.


On one hand, it taking longer for Flux to finish the train is a good thing for me. On the other hand, these Reckless Riders might shake down our mail carriers too! I think we might need to call in reinforcements. You might have been wondering who some of these letters belong to, and it's the locals outside of town! They might have the resources to tangle with these interlopers if you deliver their mail.

I don't want to push back our ride on the rails, but it's not looking good. I haven't caught them red handed, but I think there's someone sabotaging the work I do in addition to taking the materials. I'm sure they have an engineer among them… If you see them, well, I'll leave that up to you.

Pistol Annie

Whew! It took some doing and help from some of you Chicken Smoothians, but those Reckless Riders are going to have to abide by my laws if they want to join in on the libations. This may be outlaw country, but everybody needs an ice cold beverage, and I don't discriminate! Now, giddy on up to the bar and I'll get you a drink.

You want a free drink? Well, you're in luck! Just turn your water pistol on the bottles here and knock ‘em down. We want everyone shooting straight! If you get a real bullseye, you might be in for a special prize.

Good day to you, and welcome to the ranch! Here we raise domestic animals and protect them from predators. What's that? You've got some predators of your own back in town? Now, that won't do, since we're getting ready to celebrate the rail opening out here. If there's anything I can do, let me know! There's a bunch of people coming from the outskirts for the celebration, so we can run them out of town if we need to.

Do you need some riding lessons? Here, lets get the horses tacked up, and come around again tomorrow for some more practice.

Honey Bee
Bobbie Jo

Are you here to jam? Me and my friends are ready for a rootin' tootin' time! I don't really care none about this train, but if they let us play a concert for the celebration, I can't be mad about that. Music solves all ills and brings people together, and that's right! If you want to invite those outlaws, well, they usually know some good songs. There's room enough on the rails for multiple trains, or what good would they be?

Looks like there're some fans hanging out watching the musicians. Why don’t you go be friendly?

I need to wet my whistle, and so do my buddies. You got any drinks?

Well, aren't you up bright an early! I am too, just like the sun! You have to get started at dawn on the farm, there's just so much to do. Here we grow all kinds of things, from food to flowers, always making sure we rotate the fields so the land stays fertile for a long time! We've had so much success with production that I'm really excited for this new train, because we'll be able to transport goods to those who need them! I'm helping plan the celebration when we finally get the train on the rails.

Mail for me? It must be all my cousins writing in to let me know they’ll be here for the harvest. Drop them here and–oh, what was that??


You wander back into the cactus forest for some time to think, and almost don't notice the prickly little rat slumbering amongst the spines. Tread carefully, or you just might get stuck!

You stop on a hill and look out over the landscape, taking in the vastness of the Wild West.

Day Five - July 31th

Oh, look at your new badge! You earned it helping me keep watch around here. Are you sending out a search party to look for Earp? I'm sure we can rustle up some volunteers if we need to… Can you make sure you close the door on your way out, by the way? The wind is really kicking up around here!

When you step into the Sheriff's Office the same outlaw from the saloon is kicking their feet up on Earp's desk. “There's a new sheriff in town,” they say, and refuse to answer any further questions.

It looks like a little more law might be needed around here. Do you want to suit up?

Reckless Rider

You know, Flux doesn't seem so bad, compared to this wind and those Reckless Riders! I'd rather the enemy I can predict, you know? That wind blew a whole ‘nother load of mail around, so your work definitely isn't done.

Now Earp has split town? Seems like something he'd do. I'm not going looking, because if he can't take care of himself then he doesn't deserve the badge! Plus, I'm getting so much work done with this wind, I barely have to pump the bellows to stoke the forge. I guess it sucks for Major, though… you know, I don't want the Pony Express out of business, it's just that there are so many possibilities with the new train! He seems to have got the wrong idea, though.

I need more hands in the forge, let’s get to it!

Pistol Annie

Earp's missing? Well, it's not like he was any use driving out these outlaws anyway. You can go looking for him if you want, but I've got a bar to tend. These root beers don't pour themselves!

A horse went missing from the ranch last night… that might have something to do with your missing Sheriff, or it might have been one of those pesky Reckless Riders. Maybe we do need to gather some folks up and chase them out.

I’m ready to sip on a nice cold root beer after a long day in the sun. Do you have one?

Honey Bee
Bobbie Jo

Ain't no sheriff hiding out here but you can check if you want. We're free wheeling, free living, no need for the law, so I don't think he'd like it none. That wind sure does make for a nice rhythm though, so how about we play another song?

Wow, this wind is really whipping out here today! It might pull the crops right out of the ground before they're even grown. Too bad I can't report the wind to the Sheriff, right? Oh, he's missing? Huh. Well, I'll keep an eye out here, but I go to bed early so I'd miss anyone skulking about in the night.

My cousins are coming for the harvest, but I can always use some help around the farm during the growing season, if you’re willing!


Woah! Watch out for scorpions. Hey, can you help me carry that… hay? Sorry about the bad joke, I get bored like a woodpecker into a saguaro out here.

A band is moving through the plains. Maybe they’ll play us some music?

Day Six - August 1st

A bunch of those Reckless Riders came in for supplies and said they were going out looking for Earp, and some Chicken Smoothians went with them. I wonder what those outlaws want with the Sheriff. Can't be anything good… or can it?

Y’all hungry? It’s best to stock up. You never know what’s to come!


As you approach the Post Office today, you see Major talking to a Reckless Rider. They exchange a crisp high five before he returns to the interior of the Post Office.

Oh, there’s mail for me? I must have missed it when I was sorting everything. Thanks!

I caught some Reckless Riders skulking around my forge, and then the fire went out! It's nothing I can't handle, but it is frustrating. Do you think they're just up to general mischief, or do they have some more nefarious intentions? Maybe I do want that sheriff to come back into town…

Pistol Annie

You know what I said to those Reckless Riders? Don’t let the door hit you on the way out!

The animals got restless last night, and when I went outside I saw those Reckless Riders putting something in their train. Not sure what it was, but I don't trust ‘em. Keep an eye out!

Honey Bee
Bobbie Jo

This celebration is shaping up great, as long as they get that train sorted out! We've been practicing new songs for the concert and minding our own business, if you catch my drift.

Wow, they’re really starting to draw a crowd with all this music.

I thought it was the wind, but someone is definitely messing around in the fields. It could be animals, because a few sunflowers were chewed, but they could just be trying to throw me off the scent. Thankfully, my cousins have decided they're coming in for the celebration, so we'll have more eyes out!


Just before the wind blows them away you catch sight of some tracks through the Cactus Forest. You try to follow them, but they're truly lost.

Did that cactus just move?? You drop your root beer in surprise.

Day Seven - August 2nd

I'm worried about those people who went out yesterday! I didn't see them or Earp come back, so they might be caught in the storm. Sure, they got supplies, but I don't think anyone expected this to happen! You watch yourself out there.

This wind will blow your hair right off!

It seems like there are even more Reckless Riders are hanging out in the Sheriff's office today, hiding from the storm. Maybe this is your opportunity to investigate their train?

Reckless Riders

This is a disaster! I had the door open when the storm first kicked up and it blew everything away. There's no way we'll ever catch up on all this mail now… I'd say don't risk going out there, but the postal delivery can't stop for anything!

Woah there! Too much wind! It's hard to work in these conditions. And the sand is getting in my eyes. No way I can do intricate details. Hopefully it calms down soon! At least those Reckless Riders can't mess with me today, right?

Pistol Annie

Be careful out there! If you get too much sand in your throat, come right back on in and get another drink! These things happen out here in the Wild West, and you just have to hang on until the dust clears.

We have to keep the animals in today, or they might get blown away! I've lived here my whole life though, and I know it will die down in about a day. Just be patient.

Thanks for the mail! By the way, I think you might be getting experienced enough to try a bit of a more challenging ride. What do you think?

Honey Bee
Bobbie Jo

Batten down the hatches! There's too many holes in the walls! Ack! This is going to be terrible to clean out of all the instruments… Don't worry though, we'll be ready in time for the show.

We'll weather this storm, but I think it's going to delay my cousins! If you see them out there, can you tell them to hunker down? There's nothing to be done on the farm today.

Wow, these must have blown in from really far away!


Ack! I'm heading in. This sandstorm is kinda… rude, don't you think? I'll hole up at the Co-Op and hope I don't fall in any holes on the way there! We'll get back to work tomorrow.

Rollin’ rollin’ rollin’, keep those dogies rollin’!

You carefully unbury the small cactus rat from under a sand drift, but they don't seem particularly bothered. They blink at you and then fall back asleep.

Don’t move now… I think that snake wants your root beer!

Day Eight - August 3rd

It's a relief that the storm died down! Flux is getting mighty close to finishing the train, so I'll have all kinds of new goods to sell soon! Sure, the Sheriff is still missing, but I'm ready for a celebration. How about you?

You walk into the Sheriff's Office to find the same Reckless Rider from a few days before manning the Sheriff's desk once more. “Don't think we didn't see y'all trying to snoop on our train yesterday,” they say. “Lucky for you, we're close to getting what we came here for. If you want to help, meet us over at the train after sunset.”

Looks like that sandstorm gave you a new ‘do!

Reckless Riders

Whew, I'm ready to sleep for a week after chasing mail through a storm! You wouldn't believe it, but Flux came by this morning and showed me some blueprints where he designed a mail-sorting machine. I guess being holed up for a day brings some people new ideas!

Doing something nice for Major? I don't know what you mean. Anyway, nothing has bothered my production since the storm ended, so we're on track for the big celebration in two days! I'm going to be so proud our town has a train.

Pistol Annie

Told you that dust would clear up! Now Flux can get back to finishing our train and I can get a little break. Y'all drank so much root beer yesterday I was worried I was going to run out!

It looks like no one blew away, and if fact, the horse that went missing a few days a go was right back where she belonged! No idea what that was all about, but I'm glad to be running a full house again. We're preparing some ropin' and ridin' tricks for the celebration, if you want to get in on the fun!

Honey Bee
Bobbie Jo

I could do without another one of those stroms anytime soon, but you can't put in requests for the weather out here in the west; it's always going to do what it wants to do. Don't tell anyone I said this, but I hope those Reckless Riders stay for the celebration. It would be the biggest crowd we've ever played for!

Well, I’ll never say no to a storm blowing in a new fan!

It was the darndest thing… some of those Reckless Riders came and helped me clean up after the storm! It would have taken a long time if I had to do it myself, and now I can get back into preparations for the celebration! I'm going to be preparing all the delicious food!

Can you help me collect some eggs?


It's a new dawn, a new day, and I'm feeling good! Thankfully there wasn't too much set up to be blown away, and I have two whole days before the celebration.

I found some helpers out here when the storm was over. Can you offer them one of your root beers?

The little rat is carefully rearranging the sand of their home after the storm. You see their hat stuck at the top of the cactus and jump up to pull it back down for them. Everyone needs protection from the sun out here!


Map Areas

The Wild West map had many interactive areas, which held new content each day. Users had to check the zones each day to make sure they didn't miss out on any gifts! In addition to free pets and items, the event also featured trade-in stations, which allowed users to exchange their tokens for other prizes.

The Town Center


The General Store

Home of Sallie, the general store provided the entire town with everything they would ever need. Supplies were provided by the train that would stop by.


Sheriff's Office

Earp spends his time here, keeping an eye on the town and sorting through the far to many wanted posters that they never really need...


Post Office

The local branch of the Pony Express, town members could send and receive mail here.


Root Beer Saloon

Home of Pistol Annie, a friendly dog who will provide you with drinks provided you play her game



Where Flux could flex their skills to create all the tools that the town members may need



A place to hide from the dust, while also investigating those Reckless Riders

The Outskirts

The full outskirts


The Ranch

Home of Honey Bee, where animals are raised and kept safe in the outskirts of town.


Cactus Forest

A large field of cacti spreading out as far as you can see. Be careful where you step though, there might be some surprises blending in.


Musician Co-Op

Where musicians and music enjoyers from all over the West gather to play and listen to great music!


The Farm

Where most of the food for the town is grown, and home to its caretaker, Helia




Tokens and Banner Pets

This event had several different types of tokens. As the event progressed, there were some additional token items added, although they were simply made from other existing tokens at a few trade ins. Their status as tokens mostly served for plot, and these later token were only of use at a select few trade in stations.

This is the standard event token. Every 20 minutes, players could randomly find a banner at the bottom of nearly any page of the site. Usually they'd receive one of these items, which could then be traded on there event page to NPCs in return for pets and items.

Mail 1

Mail 2

Mail 3

Ingot 1

Ingot 2

Ingot 3

Saloon Tokens


Drink 1

Drink 2

Drink 3

Each trade in station would request different combinations and types of tokens.

On occasion instead of the standard items in the Root Beer Saloon, players would receive a pet instead. These pets from this event could only be gained through these random game gifts, not through a token trade in. Receiving a pet instead of a token still reset the cool down timer, and the player would have to wait another hour before playing the shooting game again.