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This guide was originally written by Chry

This guide is meant to help any new members to CS to better understand what Butterfly Wolves are, how they grow and where to get them.

Butterfly Wolves are normally a monthly adoptable. They are very easy to distinguish between other pets because of their very large Butterfly Wings and long tails.

When you adopt them, they begin life as a little Caterpillar. After several days, the Caterpillar will then turn into a Cocoon, which then turns into a full grown Butterfly Wolf after several more days.

Unlike the 2nd Gens, where the same blanket turns into the same dog, Caterpillars do not always turn into the same Butterfly Wolf.




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unnamed --------------------- unnamed --------------------- unnamed

CS Birthday

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Blue Candle BW --------------------- Green candle BW --------------------- Red Candle BW


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Brown Goat BW --------------------- White Goat BW --------------------- Grey goat BW

Easter egg BW --------------------- Easter Bunny BW

Eygpt Event

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New Mummy BW --- Dead mummy BW

unnamed --------------------- unnamed --------------------- unnamed


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unnamed --------------------- unnamed --------------------- unnamed

unnamed --------------------- unnamed --------------------- unnamed

unnamed --------------------- unnamed --------------------- unnamed

Day of the dead PPS--------------------- unnamed --------------------- unnamed

unnamed --------------------- unnamed --------------------- Day of the dead EPPS

unnamed --------------------- unnamed --------------------- unnamed

Fungus BW


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Winter fox bW--------------------- Fairy bW--------------------- green potion BW

White potion BW --------------------- Red Potion BW--------------------- Bursting potion bw

unnamed --------------------- unnamed

unnamed --------------------- unnamed --------------------- unnamed


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unnamed --------------------- unnamed --------------------- unnamed

unnamed --------------------- unnamed


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unnamed --------------------- unnamed --------------------- unnamed --------------------- unnamed


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unnamed --------------------- unnamed --------------------- unnamed --------------------- unnamed

unnamed --------------------- unnamed

unnamed --------------------- unnamed


unnamed --------------------- unnamed --------------------- unnamed


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unnamed --------------------- unnamed --------------------- unnamed --------------------- unnamed


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unnamed --------------------- unnamed --------------------- unnamed --------------------- unnamed


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unnamed --------------------- unnamed --------------------- unnamed

DNA BW --------------------- unnamed


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unnamed --------------------- unnamed --------------------- unnamed


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Summer Leaf BW --------------------- Fall Leaf BW --------------------- Winter Leaf BW

Spring Leaf BW


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Cloudy Sky BW --------------------- Atmosphere BW --------------------- Starry rain BW

Aurora/northern sky BW --------------------- Starry Sky BW


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candy cane 2nd gen