Frequently Used Line Arts
These are the stages of the species routinely available from the monthly free adoption page. Most of these species make an appearance nearly every month, but in some cases it can be as infrequent as once a year. The common trait which ties them all together is that they have been released through the monthly adoption page more than once.
All of the pets on Chicken Smoothie are created from the same line arts (with a very few exceptions). This helps to not only make things easier on the artists, who don't have to create the drawing from scratch each time, but also is the reason why items can fit multiple pets of the same species, and also helps created a unified "style" for the site. Artists are still allowed to make line-edits (alterations to the default outline) but the base is usually still clearly recognizable after the changes.
In a large part, most of the line arts have not been changed since their original releases. The site's creator, Tess, created many of the line arts, but over time other artists have also contributed their own line arts and species to the site!
Newborn | Puppy | Adult Dog |
First Archived Release
The dog line art is the iconic face of Chicken Smoothie. As the first lines Tess used on the site, back in 2008, these dogs have had countless variations made by site artists each month. All three stages were included from the site's start, in order to create adoptable pets that could "grow." The line arts themselves have not changed much from their original conception, although artists often make their own adjustments as they feel fit. The newborn stage is also frequently referred to as a "blanket pup" by the community. This is due to the prominently featured blanket, displayed on this stage. The blanket is often used to name or reference litters, or gauge if any newborns are left growing. Created by Tess. |
Common Dog Variations
There are several line edits that are featured quite often in dogs, especially in their ears and tails. Both the adult stage and the mid-stage frequently receive these edits (regardless if the pet is PPS or still growing).
Newborn | Kitten | Adult Cat |
First Archived Release
This growable cat line art was introduced in 2010, although it was not the first kind of cat released on the site. This version of the cat line art would go on to become the main version used for the cats on the site, replacing the previously used Retired Line Arts for regular adoptables. Cats are released nearly every month. The two younger stages of this species were release from the debut of the line art. The youngest stage is sometimes called a "blanket kitty," as the blanket is often designed to reflect the litter's theme as a whole. Created by Tess and SaltyToothpaste. |
Originally the horse and pony line arts were drawn by equimagine, a retired artist, but after 2010 Yulynh created new versions, and later the original horses from 2009 were converted to the new lines to create better consistency in the species, and resolve some legal technicalities. |
Newborn | Foal | Adult Horse |
(Originally) First Archived Release
These are the the most recent horse lines, released at the end of the 2010. These horse lines would replace the older growing horse stages ( although not the old PPS horses) from the early days of Chicken Smoothie, and continue to be used on new horses nearly every month. Not every horse was converted to this particular line art, but the vast majority were. Horses which were made by the line artist themselves were stamped with a tag displaying their name. All stages of this horse line art were released together originally. Created by Yulynh. |
Newborn | Foal | Adult Pony |
(Originally) First Archived Release
This pony line art was originally released in 2010, and was then used for all pony pets moving forward. Later, older the older ponies created before this line art was created were converted to this version of the species. Ponies which were made by the line artist themselves were stamped with a tag displaying their name, while recolors by other artists are left only with the site's watermark. All the growing stages for this line art were released together at the new artist's debut. Created by Yulynh. |
Draft Horses
Newborn | Foal | Adult Draft Horse |
(Originally) First Archived Release
Draft horses first appeared in 2009, on a different line art created by retired artist equimagine, but were soon discontinued at the end of 2010. In 2013, a new line art was created by a new artist, and release of Draft Horses resumed, and the older pets were updated to the new line art. Draft Horses are occasionally available on the monthly adopt page, but are more commonly released during events or holidays on the site. Although more infrequent than the regular horses or ponies, drafts are still available on a regular basis. Created by Yulynh. |
Butterfly Wolves
Caterpillar | Cocoon | Adult Butterfly Wolf |
First Archived Release
Released in 2008, butterfly wolves have been one of the frequently released pets since the start of the site. They were among the first species and are released most months. They are a unique species in that each of the three forms are distinctly different shapes. As such, artists can express their creativity in line edits on several different bases. All the stages of this species were released together as growing adoptables. Created by Tess. |
Common Butterfly Wolf Variations
There are several line edits that are featured quite often in Butterfly Wolves, mainly on their wings.
Unlike most monthly adoptable species, rodents only have two growth stages, instead of three. There are a few different species which may be released from this page, although usually only one can always be found here every month, meaning the species rotate. |
Newborn | Adult Rat |
First Archived Release
Rats have been on the site since the very start, being first released in July 2008. They are one of the most frequently released species, making an appearance most months, and taking the majority of "rodent" adopts. All stages of the rat line art were released together originally, as growing adoptables. Created by Tess. |
Dwarf Hamsters
Newborn | Adult Dwarf Hamster |
(Originally) First Archived Release
The Dwarf Hamster was first released in the October of 2014, as only final adult stage. However, a few months later, dwarf hamsters began to see a more regular release with the addition of a newborn stage at the very end of 2014. They continue to be released as a monthly adoptable on occasion, and are frequently included in holiday releases. This newborn line art is shared with the Syrian Hamster species as well, which was released at roughly the same time, but this version of the lines is slightly smaller. Created by sketchi. |
Syrian Hamsters
Newborn | Adult Syrian Hamster |
(Originally) First Archived Release
This hamster was introduced to the site at the end of 2014, around the same time as the newborn Dwarf Hamster was revealed. The newborn hamsters are almost identical; the difference between the species is the size. Syrian Hamster newborns are slightly larger than their dwarf counterparts. This species of hamster had both stages released at the same time in the form of a growing adoptable. Now this species is occasionally featured in monthly releases, and often makes an appearance in holiday events. Created by sketchi. |
Guinea Pigs
Newborn | Adult Guinea Pig | |
First Archived Release
This new Guinea Pig line art was debuted in 2015 as a growable replacement for the older version of the species, used in the first few years of the site. With the new addition of this line art, the species resumed release after nearly four years of being retired, to learn more read about Retired Line Arts. The current, growable line art was released with both of its stages. They now occasionally appear as monthly litters, and they also appear as part of events or holidays. Created by sketchi. |
The Hatchery
On the monthly adopt page, there is a a category mysteriously called "The Hatchery." Here several different species may become available each month. The common tie between the species that may be available on this page is that all of the new born stages start with an egg. |
Egg | Chick | Adult Chicken |
First Archived Release
Despite the name of the site, chickens were not actually added to the site in 2013, but since then they have made quite a frequent appearance. The debut of the species featured all three stages, but often it is solely the chick that makes an appearance during events. This style of egg is mainly used for chicken adoptable, but occasionally Eastern Dragons will also be released from this egg as well. The first few litters released all featured this simple, plain egg. However, it has become tradition for artists to color the egg and/or nest to fit the theme of the pets it is being released with. Created by Tess and SaltyToothpaste. |
Common Chicken Variations
There are several line edits that are featured quite often for chickens, as there are three general types of chickens.
Egg | Hatchling | Adult Chameleon |
First Archived Release
All three chameleon stages were released as a monthly adoptable litter in mid 2015. They continue to be occasionally released in the monthly adoptables, and more often they appear in holidays and events. This egg line art is different than the one used for chickens. Although the first couple monthly litters used this white version of the egg, it became common place for artists to design the appearance of this stage. Created by Sorren Fey. |
Eastern Dragon
Egg | Hatchling | Young Eastern Dragon | |||
Teen Eastern Dragon | Adult Eastern Dragon | ||||
The Eastern Dragon, first released in late 2015 as a free monthly adoptable, is currently the species with the most stages on Chicken Smoothie outside of certain Retired Line Arts and Unique Line Arts. They appear as part of monthly litters on occasion, albeit rather infrequently. Both the "Teen" and "Adult" stages are considered to be fully grown. Many Eastern Dragons stop at the fourth stage, and they are not listed as PPS. However, there is also a possibility that Teen Eastern Dragons can continue on to the fifth and final stage. The very first stage is on the same line art as the eggs that Chicken litters are released through. It is actually not unheard of to have PPS Chickens included in a litter of Eastern Dragons, or a PPS Eastern Dragon in a litter of Chickens. Created by sketchi. |
Western Dragons
Egg | Hatchling | Young Western Dragon | Adult Western Dragon |
First Archived Release
First released at the start of 2016 as a free monthly adoptable, the Western Dragon has been made available during monthly adopts on a few occasions, but it is very infrequent. Rather, they are usually releases as prizes in events or holidays. This makes the growing stages even more scarce, as holiday event pets often do not grow, and are instead released as their final stage. Created by Lilian Nightshade. |
Other Species
Most months there are usually some pets released under the "Other Species" tab of the monthly adopt page. This spot has the potential to release species that aren't as regularly put out for adoption. These species may not come out every month, but between all of them there's usually something interesting each month! |
Fennec Fox
Newborn | Kit | Adult Fox |
(Originally) First Archived Release
Fennec foxes were first seen on CS in 2009 with a single adult stage (growing from a present box), and became a growable species the year after as the first newborn fennec fox was released in 2010. However, the species wouldn't be seen again until late 2014, when the line art was redone by a new artist. The original lines and first few designs were done by Shima.Luan, but these pets were later updated to match the new fox line arts with the release of the new art in 2014, shown here. Created by Lawliet. |
Newborn | Fawn | Adult Deer |
First Archived Release
The adult deer was released in late 2013 as a single stage, featured as prizes in site wide events and holidays. There were three variations for the adult line art released upon the species's debut. The younger stages were released in early 2015, creating some growing lines for the previously released adult deer line arts. Previous deer were not edited to display the new lines, but moving forward deer could grow like other pets, and most were released this way. As of 2016, this growing line art has made the species available for monthly adoption on occasion, albeit infrequently. Created by Lawliet. | ||
Common Deer VariationsThere are several line edits that are featured quite often for deer, representing the physical differences in gender and build found throughout the species in real life. |
Newborn | Baby Monkey | Adult Monkey |
First Archived Release
Originally, monkeys were simply an extravagant line edit to the chameleon art, released in celebration of Chinese (or Lunar) New Year. However, with the popularity it received upon release, it was added to the library of pet line arts, with a couple new stages being created to make the species grow-able. In April of 2016, two additional stages were released as an addition to the monkey line art that had been debuted earlier that year. With this change, the money line art could now grow, and be used as a monthly adoptable species. Created by Berkshire. |