Halloween 2024
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Banner outcomes

Day 1
Friday, 10/25/2024

"Maybe one of these potions will help you trick or treat faster!"
Adoption limit: 38 | Outcomes: 27

"You know what they say, an apple a day keeps the monsters away! "
Adoption limit: 7 | Outcomes: 5

"These rats are just as hungry as me so you better start your candy hunting!!!"
Tokens needed: Any 3 tokens | Outcomes: 4

None today
Day 2
Saturday, 10/26/2024

" We found these creepy carrots taking over and haunting the oekaki boards! "
Adoption limit: 3 | Outcomes: 3

"This ghostly litter was bred by Doglike! "
Adoption limit: 6 | Outcomes: 4

"*tweeeeet* do you have any blood orange flavored candy? My friends here said that's the only flavor they will eat...."
Tokens needed: Any 4 tokens | Outcomes: 4

None Today
Day 3
Sunday, 10/27/2024

"I hope you've been having a fang-tastic time collecting all my candy! *chirrrp*"
Adoption limit: 8 | Outcomes: 1

" Keep your eyes to the sky, we've heard there have been multiple UFO sightings reported today! "
Adoption limit: 1 (Each user got the whole set) | Outcomes: 12

"I won't sugarcoat it: give me candy and I'll trade you these nine tailed friends of mine."
Tokens needed: Any 3 Tokens | Outcomes: 4


Day 4
Monday, 10/28/2024

"Someone tried to give me this fruit with the excuse that they are "nature's candy" I am NOT a fan, so here take them for free!"
Adoption limit: 27 | Outcomes: 20

"Open this box with extreme caution, contents might sting!"
Adoption limit: 9 | Outcomes: 6

"This spooky litter was bred by MissionFlight! "
Adoption limit: 7 | Outcomes: 5


"m-m-mMUMMY! Quick throw some candy at them to eat so they don't attack!"
Tokens needed:
| Outcomes: 1

"More candy please, I'll trade you some costumes I sewed myself!! (This is an ITEM trade in, one token will give you two random caterpillar costumes)"
Tokens needed: Any 1 token gives 2 random outcomes | Outcomes: 6


Day 5
Tuesday, 10/29/2024

"Here are some buckets to help you hold all your candy!"
Adoption limit: 28 | Outcomes: 22

"I thought these were gummy snakes, can you take them?"
Adoption limit: 8 | Outcomes: 6

"Wood you believe it if I told you I want more candy?"
Tokens needed: Any 4 tokens | Outcomes: 3


Day 6
Wednesday, 10/30/2024

"Eye found some cool contacts to spruce up your costume this year (These contacts fit Lions/Lionesses !). You can adopt this pack twice!"
Adoption limit: 30 random (x2)| Outcomes: 22

"Found these hanging around a graveyard! "
Adoption limit: 5 | Outcomes: 3

"Feed these little ones candy, and they promised to help light your way while candy hunting in the dark!"
Tokens needed: Any 3 | Outcomes: 3


Day 7
Thursday, 10/31/2024
"Keep a healthy distance from these dragons, your costume is highly flammable!"
Adoption limit: 16 | Outcomes: 7

"Here are some glow sticks, everyone grab a color so we can see each other while trick or treating!"
Adoption limit: 6 | Outcomes: 4

"Happy Halloween! "
Adoption limit: 1 (Each user got 1 set) | Outcomes: 19

"The spell is almost complete...just a few pieces of candy in the caldron and they will emerge!"
Tokens needed: Any 4 | Outcomes: 3


Day 8
Friday, 11/01/2024
"Be careful, there are a lot of critters crawling around at night here!"
Adoption limit: 23 | Outcomes: 16

"Maybe combining some of these ingredients will help you make your own candy from scratch??"
Adoption limit: 16 | Outcomes: 12


"Do you like my Jack-o-lantern design? I'll trade it to you for some more candy!"
Tokens needed:
| Outcomes: 1

"I heard you were looking for something a bit more sophisticated for your costume this year, these will cost you 1 candy! (This is an ITEM trade in, one token will give you two random steampunk dresses)"
Tokens needed: 1 | Outcomes: 5


Day 9
Saturday, 11/02/2024
"I thought these were gummy worms, but they started moving!"
Adoption limit: 9 | Outcomes: 7

"These look kind of familiar..."
Adoption limit: 6 | Outcomes: 4

"I would be so fawned of you if you gave more more candy!! *tweeeet*"
Tokens needed: Any 4 | Outcomes: 4


Day 10
Sunday, 11/03/2024

"Some rats for your rats! "
Adoption limit: 1 (Each user got one set) | Outcomes: 4

"Toxic sludge is seeping from this box, it's starting to get soggy!"
Adoption limit: 9 | Outcomes: 6

"I don't care that it's already November, I still crave more candy!! And beware, monsters still roam even in the off season, here I'll show you some!"
Tokens needed: Any 4 | Outcomes: 3


Day 11
Monday, 11/04/2024

"Eeeek, all of the CS pets are growing fangs under the full moon!"
Adoption limit: 1 (Each user gets one set) | Outcomes: 8

"Apparently slime is really trendy right now, so here's a gift for you!"
Adoption limit: 6 | Outcomes: 4


"They all have the same fave candy!"
Tokens needed:
x3 | Outcomes: 1

"Each has a different favorite candy!"
Tokens needed:
| Outcomes: 1

"Give me more candyyyy, I swear I wont become viper-active!"
Tokens needed: Any 3 | Outcomes:

None today!

Fun Fact(s):
- On day 6, due to an error in the code, users could claim the contact lenses as many times as they would like! This was fixed pretty quickly, but they did change it to allow users to get 2 adopts.