Summer Event 2018: Jungle Resort

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Pets.png + Items.png


For 2018's summer adventure, Avian and Totoro brought Chicken Smoothie's user base to an all-inclusive Jungle Resort. While the employees of the resort entertained the guests, curiosity grew about what lay beyond the gate, which fenced off an area of the resort which was closed for construction. Soon the gate did open, and the guests from Chicken Smoothie discovered a whole new area to explore, in nature, untouched for the most part by civilization. However, the resort staff was working on converting the space into a golf course. The shrine in the middle of the golf course had some strange activity, and soon users realized that the forest was inhabited by spirits, whose homes were being destroyed by the construction. In an effort to help the poor creatures, CS users took off to combat the machines, and convinced the resort staff to end their damage to the jungle, leaving it for the spirits to live in peace.

Characters (NPCs)

The Jungle Resort event was filled with colorful NPCs, pushing the story line of this summer vacation along. These characters are often called NPCs (non player characters) since they weren't actually played by a user, but were instead pre-programmed by staff. The NPCs would give out pets and items throughout the event. Some required players to trade in tokens to claim their prizes, while other stations were free. As the event progressed, more trade ins and characters were introduced each day, as the story was gradually revealed.


Found in the Bungalows, Harold is one of the first NPCs that players could meet during the event. He's a goofy dog and a fellow guest at the resort. Over the course of the event we get to see his feelings for Simone unfold, although we never truly get to see what becomes of it.

Harold's design was originally released as a monthly pet in July 2016.


Tony could be found in the Pool Area, watching the water to make sure no one was breaking the rules. He also ran the duck races, keeping both the players and himself quite busy with fun games.

This design had been first used in May 2015 as a monthly adoptable pet.


Camo the chameleon ran the clothes shop at the resort. As such, she could be found in the Clothes Shop. She was know for providing free gifts and fashionable items.

This chameleon was first seen in June 2015 as a monthly adoptable pet.


Henry was the host for the Jungle Adventure Tour, lending himself to have the energetic persona of an explorer. He guides CS players through his wilderness tour, showing his survival skills off to the group.

This pet was first seen during Christmas 2010, as part of the Advent Calendar that year.


Through the course of the event, Simone revealed herself to be a very kind soul. Not only was she nice to the player, but she also ended up revealing her affections for the tourist, Harold, for whom she wished to give a generous gift (something the players would end up helping her with).

This pet's first appearance was in January 2015 as a monthly adoptable.


Found at the Sen Fiŝo River, this poor kitty just wants to fish, but he's not having much luck. Unfortunately he seems to find all sorts of things other than fish in the water. Luckily for the players, he was willing to give them away!

The cat was one of the first seen on this line art, first released as part of CS's 2nd Birthday.


Tracey runs the new golf course for the resort, bringing her kind maternal personality to guide the users through the course. Although the construction was meant to expand her business, her understanding nature leads her to accepting the forest spirits' wishes.

This pet was first released in October 2014 as a free monthly adoptable.


Hiding in the Tree on the Golf Course map, the little monkey named Peekelii was happy to befriend the CS users who came over. She's chatty and looking to have a nice fruit snack.

Peekelii's first appearance as an adoptable pet occurred in April 2016.


Over the course of the event the Spirits revealed themselves to the players of CS. Their homes were being destroyed by the construction work for the new golf course, and they enlisted the players to help them. They were very thankful to have their homes saved.

At the end of the event the spirits were released as items to travel with the CS users, hoping to heal more lands.


This lemur appeared in the Bushes found on the Golf Course map. She lives in the forest, and was eager to help the forest spirits save the land. She was also happy that the players were willing to help them too.

This pet first appeared on the site as a Store Pet in 2015.

Character Dialogue

Sometimes referred to as "flavor text," the NPCs often had their dialogue switched out in order to tell the story. Each day new dialogue would be up, telling observant users about the changes happening in the Jungle Resort

Day One - July 21st

'All-inclusive' they said. But the meals here are tiny! I'm still hungry! Oh, I'm Harold by the way. I think you were on my shuttle? I was the one who spilled squiddy snacks in the aisle.

I'm starving. Any chance you've got food to share?

These little brats keep showing up under my bed! They really need to take better precautions to keep pests out of the resort!

Welcome to our Jungle Adventure Tour! Unfortunately, our tours are all booked up. Please come back later!

You should put on this outfit. You'll feel like a real adventurer!


Hm... hello. Can I help you?

(This shop is closed today. It seems the employees are out for a training course.)


(the pool is closed for maintenance)

Day Two - July 22nd

Welcome! Looking for some nice souvenirs? You're at the right place!

We have these funny masks we are giving out to our guests as a welcome gift! Please take one! Hm, you think they smell funny? Oh, I- I wasn't aware.


Waaah, can you help me?? These trunk squeakers keep sneaking in to enjoy our pools. Resort guests love watching them play, but did you know they do their 'business' in the water?? Please help me shoo them out of the pool before I have to close it for cleaning!!


Day Three - July 23rd

I've heard the duck races have been very popular! There's no way they wouldn't have been, right? Grab some stickers to remember this awesome day!

(Hmmm.. no employee to be found. Looks like they went on a break. This resort seems to be chronically understaffed if you ask me.)


Hoo hoo hoo hoo Who are you? What's in your bag? Food? Can I see, ah just let me- ungh check.

Hahaha you look so funny! My buddies want to hang with you! Hoo hoo ah ah ah!

(Some strange creatures near the shrine seem to be observing you. They disappear as soon as you come too close.)


Do you know why they call this the Sen Fiŝo River? Neither do I, but I've been catching a lot. None of it was fish, though!

I have really no clue how these animals ended up in the river, but I caught them with my net! I'll trade them if you bring me something delicious I can try!

(Not much to see here in the shrubs... besides shrubs.)


Have I told you about my herbarium? It's a collection of all the cool plants I've found in the jungle, but I still have lots of gaps to fill. Do you mind looking out for some interesting seedlings for me?

Hey again! You want another mask? Hm, this one smells too?


Day Four - July 24th

Welcome to our brand new golf course! I hope you'll enjoy it! I'm sorry about the construction noise. We're still building and expanding to make this place even better!

Come on, Honey! You don't want to go golfing dressed like a sack of potatoes! Try this outfit on!

No, really. I don't smell anything.


(There are some birds strutting around the tree. It seems they only show up when the monkeys stop making such a noise for once.)

You came from the resort, right? Can you believe those monsters turned our home into a golfing obstacle?!?! We live here, we take care of the forest, and people shoot golfballs through our shrine! 🔥

Please, can you gather some seeds and seedlings for us? We can use our powers to make them grow super fast. We need to heal the forest back to it's natural state.


You really seem to like these shirts.

Day Five - July 25th

I've heard the spirits want to save our home! I want to help!

You can give me the seeds and seedlings you have found so far and I'll bring them to the spirits so you can focus on finding more.

Oh no, the outfit I gave you yesterday is all dirty! What did you do, take a bath in the river?! Put this on quickly!


You like them a little too much I think.

Well, maybe these masks do smell a liiiiiittle...

Wah, I've been so distracted by someone, I didn't notice when these guys waltzed in here uninvited! It seems they like the smell of the masks! Can you please lead them out of here?


Day Six - July 26th

I probably shouldn't blab this out, but I've heard some weird things are going on at the construction area. Do you think bulldozers can be haunted? Hahaha, just kidding.

Oh hey, are you here for another smelly mask?

What am I doing wrong?? All these animals are making themselves at home in my bungalow!!


There are stains all over again! You need to work on your technique, honey! Take this outfit!

I've heard there's some trouble over at the construction area. I wonder what's going on there. Hopefully it doesn't mean the new attraction will be delayed!

I should have been charging you for these if there is that much demand for them!


Welcome to our Jungle Adventure Tour! I'm your guide Henry. Let's take a journey through this totally authentic and fascinating jungle!

Alright, let's start the tour! Please, no flash photography, you'll startle the animals!

We're putting all our energy into growing new plants, but the metallic beasts are too mighty for us. The plants can't sprout and grow fast enough before they are torn down and ripped out.

We only have a chance of recovery if the metallic beasts are gone. Please destroy them for us and bring us their parts as evidence.


I made these while I was waiting for you! Do you like them?

Day Seven - July 27th

We have had some unusual overgrowth recently, I've had to clear so many plants off the trail! It would be a shame to throw them away though, so we are giving them to resort guests!

I made some more for you! Does that make you happy?


... You aren't just grabbing these for free so you can secretly sell them somewhere else, do you?

We should give out nose clips with these masks! Hahaha


Hiya sweetie, I have this super cute mini golf set for you! You can take it anywhere and practice your putting techniques! Isn't that great?

Darling, you really need to take better care of your clothes! Here, have a clean set!

Day Eight - July 28th

Hey, you again. I was just sorting through some outdated jewelry... You can have a set of those too I guess.

I've never seen such a messy player before! Change into this outfit!


Yes! The plants are slowly recovering! Those metallic beasts are just about destroyed! Please don't stop fighting them until we have regained our land!

Hmmm, maybe I'd catch some fish if I had something shiny on my fishing tackle.


Oh hey, look! These are starting to come back in this area! Be careful, though! Don't touch them with your bare hands... or try to eat them!

I'm only supposed to accept resort chips as payment, but I'm trying to put together a gift for someone... have you met that tourist Harold? Aaaah he is so cuuute! If you can give me something that will make him happy, I'll make an exception for you! <3

I'm afraid, I don't have any new types of masks. Do you mind getting a double?


Day Nine - July 29th

We're going to climb trees on this tour! I hope you're not afraid of heights!

What do you mean you didn't bring enough tops to last you the whole vacation? I suppose you don't mind this shirt being plain then.


Simone sent me a ton of gifts. That's so lovely of her!

Boy oh boy, you really aren't great at staying out of dirt! Take another outfit!


Day Ten - July 30th

Woah, did you see all those plants?? Management has ordered me to close down the pool area if this continues... I guess I'm outta here with the next shuttle!

Yikes, my bungalow is getting infested by bugs now!

Okay, first the jungle animals kept coming into the resort, and now they can't even keep the plants out?! I'm packing my bags! I'm gonna miss Simone though, she's been the highlight of my vacation. Do you think she'll mind if I PM her to keep in touch?

I don't really have any use for my remaining resort chips now that everything is going downhill. Do you want mine? Just give me something to eat or to put in my herbarium.


What's happening to the resort?! Why are these plants growing so fast? Did they fire the gardeners?? We'll have to leave the resort if this continues!

Are you sure you want one of those parts I found littered on the ground? Just pay me in resort chips or something I can gift to Harold!

I've started packing up my stock so it doesn't get ruined by the overgrowth. So if you want something, just hurry up okay?


Ahh, the golf green is destroyed! This is a disaster! We'll probably have to abandon the golf course if this doesn't stop!

I'll give you another outfit but please stop rolling around in mud!!!

Oh woah, what are those shiny things?? Really need them!!! Eek EEK EEK!

Upon trade in:

So shiny! Never seen this before! Hoo hoo, I'll give you some very special food I saved if you keep bringing me more shinies and fruits!!


Gah, look at all these snakes I caught! Please take them off my hands!

It's getting quite wild here! Guess I'll have to find a different place to look out for new culinary delights.

Wow, if we just keep going like this, we will have our home back soon!

Oooooh, would you give me one of those machine parts? They are so hard to break off for me, but I'd really like to bring one of them to the spirits myself! Only if that's okay for you! I'll give you something to eat and plant in return!

Waiting is so boring. I've made more flower accessories for you!


Look! The forest is slowly taking back its stolen land. Won't be much longer, just a few more fallen metal beasts and the place will be at peace again.

Thank you. We will never forget your brave and generous actions. Please let some of us travel with you, together we can heal more of man's destruction.

I'm used to a wilderness that's easier to tame. This is getting out of hand! I hope the next shuttle is coming soon to get us out of here!


Day Eleven - July 31st

Yeah, yeah, just grab another one. We don't want you running around in smelly shirts!

... I assume you also want doubles of the jewelry?

We have a big stock of those duckies so we always have some brand new-looking ones available for our races but woooaaaaah the way things are going we probably won't need them anymore. Take some!


I hope you are not getting tired of my flower gifts!

Well, you know where the masks are.


Are you doing this on purpose because you know I won't let you run around the golf course in stained clothes?

Day Twelve - August 1st

Are you really here to grab freebies while things are getting out of hand around you?

A shirt a day, keeps the flies away! :,D

I see, you won't change! So just take another outfit already!


You will look so pretty with this one!

You still want more?


Day Thirteen - August 2nd

My fingers need a break so this will be my last set! I'm trading it for a smile! :)

Here, have a last mask! We will leave soon!


This is the last one!

Okay, but this is really the last one! The shuttle will be here soon.


Map Areas

The Lost City map had many interactive areas, which held new content each day. Users had to check the zones each day to make sure they didn't miss out on any gifts! In addition to free pets and items, the event also featured trade-in stations, which allowed users to exchange their tokens for other prizes.

Jungle Resort

Pool Area
Tony watched over the Pool Area, which housed the duck race mini-game and the related releases (in addition to a few free pets as well).

Jungle Adventure Tour
A place primarily get scenery and use trade ins, Henry's Jungle Adventure Tour provided users with some exciting new additions to their collections.

Clothes Shop
A source of free daily items as well as some fashionable trade-in stations, this booth, run by Camo, provided users with all their stylish needs for the event.

Souvenir Shop
Simone provided users with free daily items and a a few special trade in stations through her shop, always happy to sell to CS players.


A fellow tourist named Harold could be found in the Bungalows, trying to fend off the content pest invasions suffered by the buildings.

Golf Course

Putting Green
A game of golf could be played on the putting green, guided by the resort employee, Tracey. In addition to the golf prizes, Tracey also offered free items and a free daily gift.

The Shrine
The spirits hid in the stone-work of the shrine, their home which was being disturbed by the golf course and construction.

The Construction Site
Here users could attack the machines in service to the spirits once an hour, which in turn would give them a new type of token. Users could also use this station to generate fun text about how the attacks were going, often interaction with CS team members.

The Tree
In the tree a little monkey named Peekelii was happy to meet the tourists. She kept several trade in stations and even a free adoptable.

The Bushes
Starting on Day 5, Carica emerged in the bushes wishing to help the spirits. She had a few trade in stations, and also provided users with a free daily gift.

Sen Fiŝo River
A few gifts and trade in stations could be found here, provided by the struggling fisherman Lloyd.

Mini Games

Over the course of the event, two mini games were revealed continuing the popular trend which had been created the year prior in the Lost City Event. The two games included the Duck Race (added Day 2 in the Pool Area) and Golf (revealed on Day 5 to be a function of the Putting Green).

Duck Race

Upon paying a fee in event tokens in the Pool Area, users would be asked to chose their preferred duck racer. The ducks were named Ducky McDuckface, Waddles, Puddles, and Jemima respectively, although only three would appear in the race at a time: the one picked by the user and two others.

When the race started, the ducks would com tumbling from the slide one at a time. The prizes the player would receive were determined by the order the ducks emerged. The sooner the player's chosen duck came out, the higher they'd place.

A trophy corresponding to the duck's position would be given to the player, along with a matching prize. 1st place came with a pet, while 2nd place had the addition of two plushy items. 3rd place only got a single plushy from the same prize pool.

Each placement had its own artwork, their enthusiasm mirroring how well they did in the race.

Part way through the event, some stamps were made available so those who participated could remember the game far into the future.

Users didn't have to spend tokens to watch the race. If they just wanted to see the animation, they could opt to watch a free race between three random ducks, specially designed by the site's team. Each of these staff duckies were colored on three line arts corresponding to their placements in the race; just like the standard ducks players could chose between.

There were no prizes to be gained by participating in this activity; it was purely for fun! Click "expand" to see the staff ducks. Members of staff at the time of this event had the option to color their own ducks. (Note, General Helpers did not have ducks as they are not considered staff.)




Sorren Fey

Admin Assistants




CS Staff







Fiery Gatoh







juice box.


Metallic Dragon













Users could try their chances at the game of golf by giving Tracey a token in the Putting Green. Random chance would determine if a player won or lost the round, and they would be given a prize accordingly.

The first place prize was a new type of egg, which would later be revealed to be a new species on Chicken Smoothie: the macaw! These eggs had a few different outcomes (and it would take a few days to see which one any given egg would turn into) so it kept users excited and playing as each stage of the new line art was revealed. As a consolation prize for loosing the game of golf, players would receive three random outcomes from a set of items that could be stacked together to for a totem pole. There were a few different pictures to explain what went wrong with your golfing expedition.


This event had several different types of tokens. However, unlike most of Chicken Smoothie's more recent summer events, the tokens with and hour wait weren't revealed until nearly halfway through the event. While there were many individual tokens for this event, there were only four functional banner token categories (plus the ones with a hour cool down); nothing demanded a specific item, only something from one of the categories.

Also different from other events, there were no "intermediate" tokens. That's to say, players were not required to trade some of their banner or hourly tokens in for another, more specific, token. Nor were there any special "banner pets" or "banner items." Normally these special pets or items would have a small chance of dropping from the banner instead of a token, but none were released for this event.

Furthermore, at the end of the event, some trade in stations were set up to allow players to swap their token types (allowing them to convert excess of one type into more tokens for something the player preferred).

Every 20 minutes, users could randomly find a banner at the bottom of the page. Clicking on this banner would usually give them one of the following items. These were tokens in the Jungle summer event, and could be traded-in at various stations in the summer event map in exchange for pets, items, or other types of tokens. Due to the large number of tokens featured in this event, there was functionally 4 different "types" of tokens, where trade-ins never sought a specific item but rather only ones from a given category. The Jungle Event had a final banner limit of 300. Tokens could also function as normal items, and after the even tiny remaining tokens because nothing more than regular items.

Resort Chip Tokens
Seedling Tokens
Seed Tokens
Fruit Tokens





Star Fruit








Machine Part Tokens

The Construction Site was an area on the Jungle Event map that opened up later in the event and allowed players to collect an additional type of token once every hour. These tokens could then be used to trade for other event objects, or they could be kept and used as regular items, which they became after the event. They did not count toward's a player's banner limit.

Construction Site Tokens

Track Link

Bucket Tooth

Sprocket Segment

Snap Ring



Planetary Gear

Steering Clutch Disc


Souvenir Shop

Pool Area

Fun Text

As with many of Chicken Smoothie's summer events, the Jungle Resort also featured a funny interactive text generator, which would create silly messages about the player fighting the "metallic beasts" (a.k.a. the construction equipment). Some phrases, also called "flavor text," would involve the player interacting with a CS team member, only adding to the fun.

In this instance, the text generator was located in the same zone as the hourly event tokens: the construction site. Upon arriving on this page, players could either choose to make a Strong Attack, which would yield an event token (although this could only be done once and hour), or a Quick Attack, which would generate a fun line of text. The latter had a cool down of 20 seconds as to not completely overwhelm the site, as users could see the phrases generated for other users in real time.

Default Phrases
[staff member] lifts [user] up on their shoulders so they can climb on top of a machine.
[staff member] shares some exotic fruit with [user].
[staff member] stops to play with a frog, [user] yells at them to focus on the mission.
[user] and [staff member] offer the digger some exotic fruits. It ignores them, how rude!
[user] accidentally bumps into [staff member] while running away from an angry tenrec.
[user] and [staff member] are tired from all their efforts and decided to go lounge by the pool instead...that's still helping, right?
[user] and [staff member] are making flower crowns out of some wild flowers.
[user] and [staff member] are throwing rocks at a digger.
[user] and [staff member] decide to look for the keys to the machines. Maybe they can drive them away.
[user] and [staff member] give some lemurs a piggy-back ride.
[user] and [staff member] have stopped to play a round of golf. It looks like [staff member] is winning.
[user] and [staff member] have stopped to play a round of golf. It looks like [user] is winning.
[user] and [staff member] run screaming from a snake... but it's really just a hose.
[user] and [staff member] take turns drawing something in the dirt... They play Tic-tac-toe!
[user] and [staff member] take turns slashing the tires of the construction vehicles.
[user] and [staff member] throw golf balls at the machines, one hits [staff member] in the head.
[user] and [staff member] try to dismantle a machine piece by piece.
[user] begins spinning around wildly in front of the bulldozer hoping to make it dizzy.
[user] brainstorms psychological warfare tactics.
[user] challenges a digger to a duck race. There is no reply.
[user] cheers everyone else on... while they enjoy a cool smoothie in the shadows of the trees.
[user] commands monkeys in the trees to bombard the construction area with rotten fruits. We're getting splashed too!
[user] decides to skip the chaos and go fishing with Lloyd instead.
[user] eats a fruit, unbothered by the chaos surrounding them.
[user] enjoys the sweet scent of some wild flowers they collected.
[user] finds a shady spot to relax in and escape the hot sun.
[user] gets hit in the head with an exotic fruit.
[user] goes over to try and help [staff member] and [staff member] push over a bulldozer.
[user] hammers at a bolt but it doesn't budge.
[user] hunts for their lost golfball. It must be over here somewhere!
[user] is busy trying to explain their plan to an okapi who simply continues eating.
[user] is checking drivers' cabins for potentially left keys.
[user] is putting on a reflective vest and helmet, can't be too careful!
[user] is sweeping up broken glass to make sure the lemurs don't hurt their feet.
[user] knocks a safety cone over, that'll show them!
[user] lets the air out of a truck's tires.
[user] makes silly puns about "digging" things to try and lighten the mood.
[user] must have disturbed a swarm of insects and is seen fleeing the area with [staff member] close behind.
[user] notices a gigantic bug aiming to jump on [staff member]. Instead of saying anything, [user] giggles and back away slowly.
[user] offers fruit to a curious lemur.
[user] sees eyes peering at them from inside the bushes.
[user] shakes a tree, hoping for some exotic fruits. Instead, [staff member] falls down onto them.
[user] slams a digger's door as loudly as they can... it doesn't hurt it.
[user] stands on top of a bulldozer yelling instructions and encouragement into a megaphone.
[user] stubs their toe on a barricade, ouch!
[user] swings in on a vine looking fabulous but ultimately smacks into a tree.
[user] takes a big sniff of a titan arum. Big mistake!
[user] takes a golf club and starts smashing things.
[user] takes a vine and starts slapping the window of the bulldozer.
[user] takes one of Simone's masks and tries to shoo away a wood cutting vehicle with the smell. It seems rather unimpressed.
[user] took a bunch of rubber duckies when Tony wasn't looking and is throwing them against the vehicles now. SQUEAK!
[user] tries talking to a parrot. It makes a fart noise and flies away. Rude.
[user] tries to call on the jungle animals to help by screaming loudly through the bushes.
[user] tries to get Harold to help with their plan, but he won't stop complaining he's hungry!
[user] tries to hit a golf ball at a bulldozer, but [staff member] gets in the way.
[user] tries to hot-wire one of the construction machines. They get an electric shock!
[user] tries to reason with a bulldozer, but it doesn't seem to hear them.
[user] tries to remove a bolt with their teeth. Ouch!
[user] tries to undermine one of the caterpillars. That looks dangerous!
[user] tripped over a machine piece and fell down. [staff member] is laughing at them.
[user] trips and falls into a puddle of mud.... [staff member] helps them up while [staff member] laughs.
[user] trips over a baby ocelot and lands face down in the mud.
[user] uses their binoculars to search for some colourful birds, but only catches [staff member] jumping on top of the bulldozers.
[user] wears a safety cone as a hat.
[user], [staff member], and [staff member] pull at a crawler track with all their might. They are getting sweaty.
[user], [staff member], and [staff member] are wrapping vines around a bulldozer.
[user], [staff member], and [staff member] help a family of ocelots find their way out of the construction. It's like herding cats.
End of the Event Additions
[staff member] and [staff member] are swinging [user] around and around, I hope they don't let go!
[user] and [staff member] are covering windshields with mud.
[user] and [staff member] are fighting a tug of war over a snake plushie
[user] and [staff member] are mixing up a "magic" stew in the mud using random leaves and berries. It almost smells as bad as those masks.
[user] and [staff member] go to speak to resort management about the construction equipment. [user] wonders who runs this place anyway?
[user] and [staff member] sit in the mud counting their event tokens
[user] and [staff member] stare in amazement at the chaos unfolding in front of them. Wasn’t this meant to be a vacation?
[user] and [staff member] try dragging a fallen tree branch over to bash the machines with, but it's too heavy to lift
[user] asks the chameleons for help. The chameleons just laugh at [user]'s funny clothes. How rude.
[user] charges full-speed at a digger, but just bounces off!
[user] comes swinging in on a vine, wearing a gorilla mask. Unfortunately they swing right past the machines and disappear into the forest.
[user] discovers a shiny thing buried in the mud... but it turns out to be a pair of lost shoes :(
[user] finds [staff member] trying to stare a machine down....
[user] gets distracted by a butterfly. So pretty.
[user] got distracted by a hoard of resort tokens! Wait, never mind, it was just colorful fruit.
[user] is drawing on a sketchpad, are they making a construction-site Oekaki?
[user] is packing a gas tank with berries. Where'd they find that many anyway?
[user] is tired from a late night of token hunting, and tightens the nuts and bolts in their confusion
[user] manages to pull their feet out of deep mud, but their shoes stay buried!
[user] missed the memo about destruction and runs in circles thinking they're winning the mud run
[user] sits and listens to stories of the forest by the spirits. [staff member] joins them.
[user] successfully breaks into one of the machines, but has too much fun playing at being a digger operator to achieve anything useful
[user] tries taking a bite out of the machine. A piece breaks off into the mud, but it turns out to be a piece of their tooth.
[user] tries to drink directly out of the river, but loses their balance and falls in.


Learn some fun facts about the the history and impact of this event!

  • The scenery for this event was drawn by the Official Artist, Yağmur.
  • Towards the end of the event, most images were replaced to show additional growth.
  • The macaw line art was first revealed in this event.
  • There was a Dress Up Challenge to go with this event.