Summer Event 2019: Fae Mischief

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During the summer of 2019, Avian and Totoro went on vacation to explore a remote village. The small town was a friendly little place, but it seems recently they'd been having some trouble with pranksters damaging the door of their new barn. However, as CS players investigated more deeply, they discovered that things weren't as they seemed; the village was actually sitting on a portal to a magical fairy realm! After accessing the portal and talking to the fairies, CS players learned that it was actually the fae who had been tampering with the barn. The new structure was blocking the fairies' path to their dancing circle, but the townsfolk were completely unaware since they couldn't see the fairies! Th players of CS quickly explained the situation to the town and cast a spell to help them see the fae who'd been ignored for so long. Feeling bad, the townsfolk made sure to keep the barn door open from then on. Now the fairies can dance again, the barn is no longer being damaged, and both the village and the fairies live in peace!

Characters (NPCs)

Both the village and the fairy realm were host to a number of lovable characters that helped players through the event. Not only did they provide valuable insight to the town. These characters were created by staff to help progress the event, and distribute the event pets and items to players. The NPCs would give out the new event pets and items throughout the event. Some required players to trade in tokens to claim their prizes, while other stations were free. As the event progressed, more trade ins and characters were introduced each day, as the story was gradually revealed.

The Village

Griseldi was a town NPC who could be found both in Griseldi's Home and Griseldi's Fortune Telling (where she holds a magic ball). She runs a Fortune Telling business next to her home; she has access to magic and knowledge of the fae realm (though she seems reluctant to return there).
Griseldi's design was originally released in Halloween 2018.
This soft spoken deer could be found at Gernot's home. He often made gifts for the other village NPCs, but ended up being ignored in some way or another, leading him to gifting his creations to the players instead. Without any knowledge of the fae, he was sometimes the victim of the fairies' pranks.

Gernot's design came from a pet released in November 2018.

Gerlind is a horse that could be found inside Gerlind's Home. She is a caretaker for the village, looking after many pets. She also would frequently help the town's woodcarver, Karlmann, by taking care of his pets, assisting with meals, and attempting to protect the barn.

Gerlind's design originally came from a litter released in October 2018.

Woodcarver Karlmann
Karlmann is the village's woodcarver, and could be found working next to his barn in the Woodcarver building. He's very focussed on his artwork and has little attention for other things, though he had recently taken the time to construct the barn next-door. He wrote angry notes and taped them to the barn door in response to the vandalism.

Karlmann's design was released in January 2019.

This shady businessman, named Notker, lurked outside of the Village at the rock next to the mushroom circle. He talks about the fae and shows the players how to access the fae realm, later revealing that he too is part fairy (at which point his design changes). He was banned from the fae realms, so now he does business near the village instead.

Notker's design came from Halloween 2014.

The Fae Realm

Alwara is a chatty fairy who resides in Alwara's Burrow. At first she comes off as a bit rude, but she quickly warms up to the players as they try to help her and the other fairies. She enjoys making dresses and gifting them to her new friends.

Alwara's design came from a pet released in September 2013.

Freke is a shy fairy who could be found inside Freke's Burrow. She has many friends and relatives across the region.

Freke's design was released in July 2010.


Ivar could be found with his collection of items inside Ivar's Burrow. He is very curious about the townsfolk, and collects their items to try and study them. He isn'e very accurate about it, but he enjoys himself all the same.

Ivar's design came from a litter of 2013 store pets.

Levke, found in Levke's burrow, was less friendly than most of the fairies, but ended up befriending the players anyway at Alwara's insistence. She runs a foster program, which takes most of her time and attention.

Levke's design came from Easter 2013.

Character Dialogue

Sometimes referred to as "flavor text," the NPCs often had their dialogue switched out in order to tell the story. Each day new dialogue would be up, telling observant users about the changes happening in the village.

in progress

Map Areas

The Fae Village had many interactive areas, which held new content each day. Users had to check the zones each day to make sure they didn't miss out on any gifts! In addition to free pets and items, the event also featured trade-in stations, which allowed users to exchange their tokens for other prizes.

in progress

The Village

The Fae Realm

Fortune Telling

After day 6 in the event, Griseldis offers to read the player's fortune at her tent. During their reading, a user would see either a "harmless" or "poisonous" mushroom, along with their fortune. The fortune corresponded with the type of mushroom they saw. The mushrooms and their messages were designed by participating staff members, although there were also generic readings mixed in as well.

Harmless Poisonous
  • "The harmless mushroom appeared. The next apple you eat will be extra delicious."
  • "The harmless mushroom appeared. Your pet rock will evolve into a stronger rock."
  • "The harmless mushroom appeared. Next time you prepare a meal, you'll get it exactly right."
  • "The harmless mushroom appeared. You'll try out something new and you'll love it!"
  • "The harmless mushroom appeared. You will have sweet dreams tonight."
  • "The harmless mushroom appeared. When you next make fried eggs, they will not stick to the pan!"
  • "The harmless mushroom appeared. Your local grocery store will have some amazing deals the next time you walk in."
  • "The harmless mushroom appeared. Your favorite TV show will have a week-long marathon in the near future."
  • "The harmless mushroom appeared. You'll help an old lady with something small and it will make her day!"
  • "The harmless mushroom appeared. Someday soon you'll meet your idol and spend a fantastic day with them."
  • "The poisonous mushroom appeared. The next time you step outside without doing your hair, you'll run into someone you know."
  • "The poisonous mushroom appeared. When you open the window to get some fresh air, a horrible smell will fill your room."
  • "The poisonous mushroom appeared. When you cut open an avocado, it will still be unripe."
  • "The poisonous mushroom appeared. A bird will poop on you at the worst moment."
  • "The poisonous mushroom appeared. People will say how lucky you are to be so talented and won't acknowledge how much practice and effort went into your work."
  • "The poisonous mushroom appeared. The money you put in your wallet has been misplaced somewhere in your house."
  • "The poisonous mushroom appeared. Your pet rock will decide to run away."
  • "The poisonous mushroom appeared. You will lose your spare change this week."
  • "The poisonous mushroom appeared. The grocery store will not have the items you are searching for during your next visit."
  • "The poisonous mushroom appeared. Is there something stuck in your teeth? If not, there soon will be."
  • "The poisonous mushroom appeared. When you next try to get off the bus, a crowd of people will block your exit."
  • "The poisonous mushroom appeared. Next time you wear socks you will step into a puddle."

"The harmless Tess mushroom appeared. You’re going to have wonderful dreams about cuddling with cute animals tonight."

"The poisonous Tess mushroom appeared. You're going to get hiccups while you're in a silent room."

"The harmless Sorren Fey mushroom appeared. A cat will appear at your doorstep. You are its chosen owner now."

"The poisonous Sorren Fey mushroom appeared. When you rewatch an old, favorite movie of yours, you'll find it hasn't aged well."

"The harmless Simon mushroom appeared. You will meet a friendly frog."

"The poisonous Simon mushroom appeared. You will meet an evil frog."

Admin Assistants

"The harmless Lacuna mushroom appeared. You are assured that all of your stuffed animals love and appreciate you."

"The poisonous Lacuna mushroom appeared. That out of date candy you ate from last Halloween is going to give you a stomachache."

Global Moderators

"The harmless Dama mushroom appeared. Tomorrow you will wake up feeling hydrated, your skin clear and your crops watered."

"The poisonous Dama mushroom appeared. Anything you eat today will taste like it's got way too much salt on it."

"The harmless Nadine mushroom appeared. You will have one of the best meals of your life soon."

"The poisonous Nadine mushroom appeared. You will find yourself with raccoons trying to infest your home."

"The harmless Raire mushroom appeared. Every animal you'll meet today will be very friendly and some may even let you touch them."

"The poisonous Raire mushroom appeared. The next time you go outside, you’ll see ominously glowing eyes in every bush and tree, which follow your every step."

"The harmless Seasonal mushroom appeared. Your favorite person will message you soon."

"The poisonous Seasonal mushroom appeared. All of your text messages will fail to send today."

"The harmless tarkeli mushroom appeared. When you turn on the radio, only your favorite songs will play for the rest of the day."

"The poisonous tarkeli mushroom appeared. That song you were just listening to - it's stuck in your head the rest of the day."

"The harmless Zeena mushroom appeared. You will meet the best, most adorable pet sometime today. Make sure to give them a good scratch on the ear!"

"The poisonous Zeena mushroom appeared. That random song stuck in your head will be there for the entire day."

Oekaki Moderators

"The harmless Desmond mushroom appeared. You will find something shiny in the next week!"

"The poisonous Desmond mushroom appeared. You may find something shiny... but it will be too far out of reach!"

"The harmless Dia. mushroom appeared. Your houseplants are going to flourish for at least another week."

"The poisonous Dia. mushroom appeared. You're definitely going to find a hedgehog quill. In the dark. With your bare foot."

"The harmless dysania. mushroom appeared. You will find that quarter you lost in the couch cushions."

"The poisonous dysania. mushroom appeared. You will lose all change in the abyss that is the couch cushions."

"The harmless katsue mushroom has appeared. You will get the high-score on your favorite video game!"

"The poisonous katsue mushroom has appeared. You will lose your next game of Rock-Paper-Scissors."

"The harmless Pi mushroom appeared. The stars will shine a little brighter the next time you glance up at the sky."

"The poisonous Pi. mushroom appeared. The next time you make a purchase, you will find yourself a few cents short."

"The harmless ɀelda mushroom appeared. The next slice of toast you have will be the cream of the crop."

"The poisonous ɀelda mushroom appeared. It seems your next piece of toast is go awry."

Roleplay Moderators

"The harmless AquilaFuga mushroom appeared. This week you will have wonderful dreams when you sleep."

"The poisonous AquilaFuga mushroom appeared. The wire of your headphones will be infuriatingly tangled next time you try to use them."


"The harmless Saikiyo mushroom appeared. Your dark vision improves for one night, perfect for avoiding that pesky coffee table that's always after your shins."

"The poisonous Saikiyo mushroom appeared. Your vision seems to have gone purple, or is that teal?"

"The harmless Yağmur mushroom appeared. You will see the most amazing sunset tonight."

"The poisonous Yağmur mushroom appeared. You will find a spider in your hair today."

"The harmless Yugi mushroom appeared. RNG will be in your favor the next time you play your favorite game."

"The poisonous Yugi mushroom appeared. Whenever you go to watch that old nostalgic show you were thinking of earlier, you won't be able to remember its name."


This event had several different types of tokens, which could be traded on various event pages for pets or items. As is typical of most events on Chicken Smoothie, every 20 minuets a banner would randomly appear at the bottom of the website. When clicked, it would award the player with an herb token. The trade in stations did not require any specific herbs, though there were several different variations of the token for users to collect. The final banner limit for Fae Mischief was 250.

Milk tokens could be obtained by exchanging one herb with Woodcutter Karlmann. Similarly, players could exchange a milk token for a cream with Gerlind. There was eventually an option added for players to convert 10 milk or cream at once, to make it easier for users to trade-in bulk tokens. This set up is usual for a CS event, as it effectively allowed players to acquire any basic token type at will, instead of relying on random chance to award them the needed token type.

Woodcarvings were only useful in a limited number of trade-ins. Never the less, they were in fact used as tokens. They could be obtained by providing one cream to Woodcutter Karmann.

On day 4, the Mines opened up, allowing players to collect a new type of token: crystals. These crystals, which came in two different colors but were interchangeable when it came to trade-ins, could be collected hourly and had no limit.


Flavor Text

As with many of Chicken Smoothie's summer events, the Fae Mischief Event also featured a funny interactive text generator, which would create silly messages. This generator was only accessible during Day 3 of the event, when users were exploring how to access the fae realm through the mushroom circle. The next day, the fae realm was unlocked, and the mushrooms became the way to access the next piece of the map. While the generator was active, it had a cool down of 20 seconds as to not completely overwhelm the site, as users could see the phrases generated for other players in real time.

  • A new mushroom appeared in the circle! Or at least, that's what [staff member] is trying to convince [user] that they saw.
  • A squirrel came out of nowhere and hit [user] on the head. Ouch!
  • A witch promises [user] a magic scroll that will help them in their journey. Motivational posters don't help, witch!
  • Is the grass greener inside the circle? [user] lays down on the ground to get a closer look.
  • Oh no, a snake in the grass! [user] and [staff member] jump out of the way and upset [staff member]'s preparations.
  • Rituals are thirsty work! [user] takes a break to have a nice relaxing drink of goat's milk.
  • The local wildlife is trying to figure out what everyone is doing. [user] and [staff member] get distracted trying to pet a cute squirrel, but it leaps away and chatters at them!
  • Turns out the dance [user] was doing is in fact a rain dance. It wasn't helpful but at least it worked.
  • With a flash of light and a puff of smoke, a cheese wheel appears out of thin air. [user], that's the ritual to summon 'dairy' not a 'fairy'!
  • [staff member] and [staff member] are working together to try to fulfill the ritual, while [user] is over in the corner playing with an umbrella.
  • [staff member] carefully brushes some bugs off of the nearest mushroom, only to have [user] tumble into them and almost squash the ring!
  • [staff member] convinces [user] that there is a secret message in the paint splatters on Gernot's home, and asks them to help figure it out.
  • [staff member] invites [user] to their top secret hideout... that's actually just a long climb up a very tall tree.
  • [staff member] is shaking their head watching [user] trying to climb a tree.
  • [staff member] points out what looks like fairy dust to [user], but it turns out to be sugar from their afternoon snack.
  • [staff member] thinks they got into the fae realms but is actually dreaming after [user] accidentally casting a sleep spell. Don't wake them, they look like they're having a good dream.
  • [staff member] tries to help [user] learn the ritual, but they are both distracted by a butterfly.
  • [staff member] was meditating peacefully about the ritual instructions until [user] accidentally set off some kind of mini-explosion. How did they do that?
  • [staff member] yelps when [user] steps on their toe while they practice their dancing.
  • [user] accidentally turns [staff member] into a newt! Don't worry, they got better.
  • [user] almost sits on a hedgehog. Ouch!
  • [user] and [staff member] are arguing so much about how to do the ritual correctly, that they totally forget about actually doing it.
  • [user] and [staff member] are in a tug of war over a sprig of Rosemary. C’mon guys, focus!
  • [user] and [staff member] aren't in a hurry and play a round of cards. This match is going slow.
  • [user] and [staff member] ask Karlmann to teach them how to carve wood so they can make magic wands to complete the ritual. That will surely work!
  • [user] and [staff member] begin the fusion dance, much to the utter horror of onlookers.
  • [user] and [staff member] begin to argue about who was singing out of tune.
  • [user] and [staff member] begin to yodel a ritual song. It sounds horrendous and neither of them are in tune!
  • [user] and [staff member] decide to go shopping instead. Yay shopping spree!
  • [user] and [staff member] got hungry and thought they found a nice loaf of bread, but a tricky fairy had just put an illusion on some tree bark.
  • [user] and [staff member] ride their horses around the fairy ring in a clockwise circle.
  • [user] attempts to decorate the surrounding area with colourful ribbons, but entangles [staff member] and [staff member] in the process.
  • [user] begins constructing a fort out of twigs and leaves for the fae, but ends up building a fort for themselves. Yes, it came with a drawbridge and everything.
  • [user] begins rolling on the ground aimlessly, hoping what they're doing is enough.
  • [user] begins to dance, but remembers they left the lights on at home!
  • [user] brought their cat along... it seems to be seeing things that no one else can.
  • [user] calls a hedgehog "a cute chipmunk" and gets a quill somewhere painful in retaliation!
  • [user] can be seen chasing a squirrel that ran off with their ritual notebook.
  • [user] challenges [staff member] and [staff member] to a board game. It took the whole day to finish, and on the last move the wind blew the board over.
  • [user] decides to draw the scene unfolding before them, instead of participating.
  • [user] decides to ignore the ritual and host a party for the fae instead. No one showed up. :(
  • [user] discovers they've been using false morels this whole time! That shopkeeper said these were the real deal!
  • [user] doesn't quite understand the whole 'ritual' part and begins putting war paint on their face to prepare for battle.
  • [user] draws three cards from the tarot deck and interprets them to mean that [staff member] is performing the ritual wrong!
  • [user] elegantly dances and flutters about while [staff member] watches them in confusion.
  • [user] found some rocks that look like rune stones. Maybe if they arrange them just right...
  • [user] gets distracted by a very pretty mushroom.
  • [user] grabs a hula-hoop thinking it's the fairy ring and drops it over their head to enter the fae realm. Close enough?
  • [user] grabs a stick and starts drawing strange symbols in a nearby patch of dirt.
  • [user] hangs upside down from a tree branch to gain a new perspective on the situation.
  • [user] has put on their ritual robes backwards. How embarrassing!
  • [user] hikes back down the trail, looking to see if they missed any clues on their way into the village.
  • [user] is distracted by the fact that [staff member]'s shoelace is untied. That's not safe!
  • [user] is sure that running at full speed towards a tree will open a hidden passage, but it only leads to a massive headache.
  • [user] is tired from all the ritual preparation and asks Griseldis if they can nap in her tent.
  • [user] is too busy plotting mischief with Notker to participate in the silly ritual.
  • [user] is too eager and does the funky chicken dance for hours.
  • [user] is trying to download an app to perform the ritual for them. Why is there no signal??
  • [user] is trying to light some candles and accidentally sets [staff member] on fire!
  • [user] is trying to make a flower crown, but all they're using is twigs, old leaves and mushrooms. Ew!
  • [user] is trying to say a greeting in a made-up fantasy language, but it is an actual fairy dialect which turns their ears and nose bright green.
  • [user] is using some fancy dance moves and actually summons an... old loaf of bread?!
  • [user] is very concentrated and elegantly fulfils the ritual but nothing happens. They did it side-inverted! Argh!
  • [user] isn't quite sure they're on board with this whole ritual. They decide to go groom the horses instead.
  • [user] looks pensively into the crystal ball they got from Griseldis. Why doesn't it have the answers?
  • [user] manages to summon a dragon, unfortunately it's not friendly. Run away! Run away!!
  • [user] misheard the instructions for the ritual and covered themselves in regular dust instead of fairy dust. Gross!
  • [user] mishears about the ritual and tries for hours to call someone named Richelle.
  • [user] mistakes a twig on the ground for a snake and runs away screaming.
  • [user] mocks [staff member] on their choice of ritual attire, and a fight breaks out which disrupts the preparations... Scandalous!
  • [user] picks up a random stick and starts waving it like a magic wand and saying, "Abracadabra!"
  • [user] points out that [staff member] left the tags on their new ritual shirt.
  • [user] prepares to fulfill the ritual but instead ends up doing the floss dance. That's not quite right.
  • [user] pulls some marshmallows out of their backpack and implores the non-existent fairies to toast it for them.
  • [user] pulls up a chair, puts on a hat and sunglasses, and falls asleep.
  • [user] saw an owl, and now they're hoping it might bring them a letter with the correct ritual instructions.
  • [user] sets a trap using candies in hopes to catch a fairy. Catches [staff member] eating the bait instead.
  • [user] spent all day running around town and forgot what they were trying to do.
  • [user] studied mycology in school and is busy figuring out which of the mushrooms are safe to eat.
  • [user] successfully summons a swarm of fairies, wait... Those are bees! Not the bees!
  • [user] thinks every ritual needs a good ol' campfire and spends hours trying to light a tiny twig.
  • [user] thinks fairies are evil and doesn't want to do anything with them. They leave immediately.
  • [user] thinks the best way to help is to keep finding those plants on the ground every 20 minutes.
  • [user] thinks the ritual is a joke and just sits down on the ground, waiting for hours for something to happen. [user] ends up falling asleep...
  • [user] thinks winning a game counts as a ritual, so they challenge [staff member] to a battle of chess. [user] doesn't even know the rules and fails spectacularly.
  • [user] ties the garlic around their neck to ward off vampires, just in case! [staff member] plugs their nose when they walk by.
  • [user] tries to bribe [staff member] and [staff member] with stale fairy bread in hopes they would do the work for them.
  • [user] tries to get some water from the well, thinking they can purify it, but it smells too much like rotten eggs for them to get near it. Gross!
  • [user] tries to herd the town cats into a pile of boxes, thinking this would be more fun than the ritual.
  • [user] tries to use tarot cards to guide the way but ends up just playing solitaire when they realize they brought playing card.
  • [user] trips over a root, and in an unfortunate chain of events pulls [staff member] and [staff member] to the ground.
  • [user] walks around in an all-camo suit trying to find another way to enter the fae realm. No one saw anything.
  • [user] wants to lure the fairies out with some sweet sounds. Animals start to run and fly away as soon as [user] starts singing.
  • [user] wants to work with [staff member] and volunteers to dress up in a chicken suit for most of the day. This will help with the ritual right?
  • [user] wore a lab coat to the ritual. [staff member] agrees that this vacation has become scientifically important. Maybe they'll write a research paper about it!
  • [user], [staff member], and [staff member] forgot about the ritual and spent all day practicing a choreographed dance for the townspeople. Yes, fabulous!
  • [user], [staff member], and [staff member] found some ribbons, and now they're sitting in a circle braiding each other's hair.
  • [user], [staff member], and [staff member] lay back in the grass and begin cloud watching, entirely forgetting what they were here for.
  • [user], [staff member], and [staff member] mix together different plants and water to help with the ritual.


The event maps were made by qwertyo.

This event was originally named "Forest Event" in the Archives. On August 7 (near the end of the event), to better reflect the true nature of the event, the name in the Archives was changed to "Fae Mischief"!